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// Formula Name: Ehlers Fisher Transform
// Author/Uploader: Not Too Swift
// E-mail:
// Date/Time Added: 2005-03-26 23:33:11
// Origin:
// Keywords:
// Level: medium
// Flags: indicator
// Formula URL:
// Details URL:
// The Fisher Transform converts price data to a nearly Gaussian probability
// density function. The result is an indicator that reverses very sharply
// when a trend changes.
SetBarsRequired(200, 0);
// Ehlers formulas
// from Ehlers, John F. Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures. Wiley. 2004.
// Chapter 1, p. 1. Code on p. 7.
function InverseFisher(array)
e2y = exp(2 * array);
return (e2y - 1)/(e2y + 1);
function Normalize(array, arraylen)
// Figure 1.7 on p. 7
MaxH = HHV(array, arraylen);
MinL = LLV(array, arraylen);
Value1[0] = array[0]; // Initialize as array
for(i = 1; i < BarCount; i++)
Value1[i] = .5 * 2 * ((array[i] - MinL[i]) / (MaxH[i] - MinL[i]) - .5) + .5 * Value1[i-1];
if (Value1[i] > .9999) Value1[i] = .9999;
if (Value1[i] < -.9999) Value1[i] = -.9999;
return Value1;
function Fisher(array)
// Figure 1.7 on p. 7
F = array;
F = .25 * log((1+ array)/(1 - array)) + .5 * Ref(F, -1);
return F;
Med = (H+L)/2;
// Fisher Transform
FisherXform = Fisher(Normalize(Med, 10));
Plot(FisherXform, "Fisher Transform", colorRed, styleLine);
Plot(Ref(FisherXform, -1), "", colorBlue, styleLine);
Semoga bermanfaat.
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