Saturday, December 5, 2009

Recommended Van K Tharp Trader Test

Transaksi Hanya Saham DES dan JII
Investasikan Dunia Mu Untuk Akherat Mu
Investasikan Hidup Mu Untuk Kematian Mu
( Ini Catatan Ku )

Pengen tau anda termasuk tipe trader seperti apa? Apakah anda berpotensi sukses di bisnis ini ?

Seperti yang sering disebutkan bahwa kalau hasil trading kita so-so aja atau bahkan rugi... maka It's not the systems but it's YOU !!! Dan faktor utama yang menentukan dalam trading adalah pengetahuan dan penguasaan emosi atau aspek psikologi diri si trader.

Dalam rangka pengenalan diri dan belajar psikologi trading, di bawah saya copas link Van K Tharp Trader Test. Berdasarkan test yg terdiri dari 35 pertanyaan ini, maka akan didapat jawaban yang menunjukkan kita termasuk Tipe Trader seperti apa... kelebihan dan kelemahannya apa... dan petunjuk bagaimana mengatasinya.

Kalau berminat mengikuti test ini... saya sarankan menjawab pertanyaan dengan jujur... sehingga hasilnya juga mendekati realita.

Berikut berbagai kemungkinan tipe trader ala Van K Tharp... termasuk potensi suksesnya di pasar seperti apa:
High Potential for Market Success :
  • Strategic Trader
  • Planning Trader
Good Potential for Market Success With Some Work :
  • Detailed Trader
  • Facilitative Trader
  • Innovative Trader
  • Spontaneous Trader
  • Independent Trader
  • Administrative Trader
  • Values Driven Trader
  • Socially Responsible Trader
  • Accurate Trader
  • Adventurous Trader
Potential for Market Success with Lots of Work or Have Others Manage Their Money :
  • Supportive Trader
  • Artistic Trader
  • Fun Loving Trader



Do you know what type of trader you are? And have you heard about the Tharp Trader Test yet?

I thought you'd like to know about it, because it is a quick, fun and easy to way to test yourself and find out your "trader type."

It takes less than three minutes to complete and you can either click through here directly or just type the name into your browser yourself:

About the Tharp Trader Test:
Van Tharp is a coach for traders and investors and has been profiling great traders for over twenty years. He was featured in the book Market Wizards and has three best selling trading books of his own, including his classic Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom.

He developed this test to help people learn their strengths and challenges as a trader.

His website has lots of great free information too:


Semoga bermanfaat.

Eco Syariah