Thursday, March 5, 2009

Van K. Tharp mengatakan.....

"Trading and investing are very simple processes and we human beings try to make it into something much more complex. Unfortunately, we have a lot of biases that enter into trading decisions.

"I believe people get exactly what they want out of the markets and most people are afraid of success or failure. As a result, they tend to resist change and continue to follow their natural biases and lose in the markets. When you get rid of the fear, you tend to get rid of the biases.

"As for risk, most people don't understand it, including a lot of professionals, and what's really interesting is that once you understand risk and portfolio management, you can design a trading system with almost any level of performance." �Van K. Tharp

Hati-hati dalam memilih saham, selalu recek dengan chart Anda, pilih yang cocok saja dan jangan lupa MM dipasang di Trading Plan serta Be Discipline.

Semoga bermanfaat.
Investasikan Dunia Mu Untuk Akherat Mu