Sunday, August 30, 2009

IHSG HSI China India DJI dan FTSE _ 28 Ags 09

Transaksi Hanya Saham DES dan JII
Investasikan Dunia Mu Untuk Akherat Mu
Investasikan Hidup Mu Untuk Kematian Mu

Semoga bermanfaat.

Eco Syariah

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

AFL Intraday Chart with 2 Time Frames

Transaksi Hanya Saham DES dan JII
Investasikan Dunia Mu Untuk Akherat Mu
Investasikan Hidup Mu Untuk Kematian Mu

Saya belum tau cara attache file di blog... kalau mau lihat AFL nya bisa ke AmiBroker AFL Library atau ke milis Saham_Syariah.

Semoga bermanfaat.

Eco Syariah

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Menu trading hari ini...

Transaksi Hanya Saham DES dan JII
Investasikan Dunia Mu Untuk Akherat Mu
Investasikan Hidup Mu Untuk Kematian Mu

Menu trading saya hari ini... PTBA, ASII dan ELTY... sama gak dengan menu sampean ?
Ada sinyal Stochastic Buy lho untuk : TINS, AALI, KLBF, BMTR, KIJA, ASII, UNSP, BTEL... volume yg kemarin oke KLBF dan BTEL... cek deh...

Kondisi IHSG membaik meskipun belum tembus 2411 dan kemarin bikin Hanging Man (bearish candle) yang potensial membawa IHSG turun lagi... tapi indikator lain positif... jd gak nyambung nih antara candle dengan indikator... mana yg sebaiknya diikuti ya ?

Hati-hati... IHSG masih dlm kotak sideways (lihat post kemarin), kalau tembus 2411 kita harapkan kenaikannya lanjut lagi...

Kalau salah itu dari saya, kebenaran hanya datang dari Allah subhana wa ta'ala.
Semoga bermanfaat.

Eco Syariah

Monday, August 24, 2009

View IHSG dan UNTR - Close 24 Agus 2009

Transaksi Hanya Saham DES dan JII
Investasikan Dunia Mu Untuk Akherat Mu
Investasikan Hidup Mu Untuk Kematian Mu

Ini view trader pemula,

IHSG... sptnya mau nyoba resistance high sebelumnya di 2411 lagi... bisa tembus gak ya hari ini, atau malah mau balik lagi ?
Yang sudah pasti, tadi subuh candle DJI semakin kuyus, kalo tdk salah Doji Star Bearish ya ?

UNTR... sebaiknya waspada pullback dan mungkin dia ikut kemana IHSG hari ini... tapi kalau dia mau lanjut target saya di 14500, trail stop 13650... tapi dengan target 14500 reward risk rationya kurang menarik... atau saya aja kali yang takut ketinggian... hehehe...

Any comments ?

Semoga bermanfaat.

Eco Syariah

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

PTBA 12 Agus 2009 _ Rebound kah ?

Transaksi Hanya Saham DES dan JII
Investasikan Dunia Mu Untuk Akherat Mu
Investasikan Hidup Mu Untuk Kematian Mu

Semoga bermanfaat.

Eco Syariah

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Are You a Rabbit or a Turtle?

Transaksi Hanya Saham DES dan JII
Investasikan Dunia Mu Untuk Akherat Mu
Investasikan Hidup Mu Untuk Kematian Mu

Are You a Rabbit or a Turtle?
by Janice Dorn, M.D., Ph.D.

Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves… Dale Carnegie

Once upon a time there was a rabbit named Reckless who was always boasting about how fast he could run. He criticized all the other animals (especially the smaller ones)—saying that were slower and lazier and could never beat him. He was really rough on this one particular turtle (let’s call him Tenacious) and bullied him constantly. Reckless said ugly, nasty words to Tenacious who just sat there day after day and appeared to let the words roll off his shell.

But enough was enough.

Finally, Tenacious got really fed up with this. He stuck his head out of his shell, looked up at Reckless and said “Who do you think you are anyway? Why are you always bragging about how you are “all that” and so fast that nobody can beat you? I am sick and tired of hearing his abuse from you. “

Reckless smirked, looked down at Tenacious and squealed with laughter. “Nobody can beat me. Especially you—since you are slower than molasses. If you want to race, bring it on because you don’t have a chance. I will win, no matter how hard you try. “

“It’s on” said Tenacious, “we’ll race tomorrow at the crack of dawn. The next day came and Reckless and Tenacious showed up ready to go. The race course was all laid out and they both stood on the starting line. Reckless was cocky and confident as he watched Tenacious move slowly along the path. Reckless had been up most of the night partying with the other rabbits, so he was sleep-deprived and decided to take a nap.

Reckless woke from a fitful sleep and gazed round, looking for Tenacious. Slowly and steady moving forward, Tenacious was about a third of the way to the finish line. Breathing a sigh of relief, Reckless decided he was hungry and had lots of time to eat. The heavy meal and the hot sun made his eyelids droop. With a quick glance at Tenacious-- now halfway along the course-- he decided to take another quick nap before running past the turtle to beat him to the finish line.

The nap turned into a longer sleep and when Reckless woke up, the sun was beginning to set. Reckless jumped up in alarm and saw that Tenacious was now almost at the finish line. Reckless bolted as fast as he could, gasping for breath, leaping high into the air, giving it everything he had. Too bad. Too late. Tenacious beat Reckless.

This is my rendition of one of the stories from Aesop’s Fables and the moral is: Slow and steady does it all the time.

Many traders come to the markets with the idea of making huge profits by doing very little or getting rich quickly. They are like the Reckless rabbit who thinks he can win with the least amount of work possible. What they don’t understand is consistent winning in the markets has to do with slow and steady gains. The real secret of winning is to get rich slowly. This is done by striking out (taking stops and small losses), hitting some singles and doubles (taking profits larger profits on a regular basis) and occasionally hitting home runs.

So- what are a few of the many trading lessons from Reckless and Tenacious?

(1) Overconfidence is a badge of ignorance. Unless you approach the markets with humility, you are doomed to failure. You might knock out a few good trades, and then get even more confident. You are an accident waiting to happen.
(2) Self-confidence is great, but it must be tempered with continual self-analysis and vigilance.
(3) While you are sitting back resting on your laurels and bragging to yourself and others about your wins, another trader is out at the gym doing pushups and strength training. He/she is preparing to do battle with you. Stay strong and alert!
(4) You and you alone are responsible for your successes and your losses.
(5) Learning to trade properly is a marathon, not a sprint.
(6) Never underestimate the value of patience.
(7) Take your setups and use them to maximal advantage.
(8) Chasing price is almost always a recipe for disaster and losing.

With ordinary talent and extraordinary perseverance, all things are attainable
Thomas Foxwell Buxton

Illustration Credit:

Semoga bermanfaat.

Eco Syariah

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Transaksi Hanya Saham DES dan JII
Investasikan Dunia Mu Untuk Akherat Mu
Investasikan Hidup Mu Untuk Kematian Mu

Sedang mengamati AALI dan ANTM... benarkah ada sinyal buy MACD di monthly dan Stochastic di daily chart ? ... lagi nyari jalan masuk yang baik... semoga nemu ya...

Semoga bermanfaat.

Eco Syariah

Friday, August 7, 2009

Hasil Test & Evaluasi Minggu 4 Explorer StoMACD MTF - 070809

Transaksi Hanya Saham DES dan JII
Investasikan Dunia Mu Untuk Akherat Mu
Investasikan Hidup Mu Untuk Kematian Mu

Semoga bermanfaat.

Eco Syariah

Monthly Chart 6 World Index - 07 Aug 2009

Transaksi Hanya Saham DES dan JII
Investasikan Dunia Mu Untuk Akherat Mu
Investasikan Hidup Mu Untuk Kematian Mu

Semoga bermanfaat.

Eco Syariah

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sinyal BUY bbrp Saham... pilih mana ?

Transaksi Hanya Saham DES dan JII
Investasikan Dunia Mu Untuk Akherat Mu
Investasikan Hidup Mu Untuk Kematian Mu

originnally posted at milis Saham_Syariah:

Exploration saya ngasih sinyal stochastic buy untuk saham2:

HEXA, ELSA, DEWA, BUMI, BTEL, UNSP, ELTY (kecuali HEXA semua ada di overbought area, jadi siap-siap mau turun, atau amannya beli jual dalam sehari).

Masalahnya gak mungkin semua mau dipilih, jadi harus cari yang benar2 strong buy dan aman... tapi yang mana ? Mau dicombine dgn pola candle, tp gak ada yang bikin pola kecuali BTEL... sedangkan volume sptnya cuma BTEL juga yg paling OK ?

Kalau gitu cari yang MA-nya aman lah... kalau Anda pilih yang mana ?

Perlu dipertimbangkan juga bahwa IHSG dalam keadaan bimbang.... mau lanjut naik atau mau turun dulu ?
Patokan saya: kalau tembus resistance 2362.11 = mau naik... kalau jebol 2317.57 berarti mau turun... runyamnya kalo pagi naik dulu terus sore kembali turun.
Patokan kalau mau trading pakai pivot aja kali ya ?

Ada view lain ?

Semoga bermanfaat.

Eco Syariah

Sunday, August 2, 2009

AALI - 31 Juli 2009

Transaksi Hanya Saham DES dan JII
Investasikan Dunia Mu Untuk Akherat Mu
Investasikan Hidup Mu Untuk Kematian Mu

Saya lihat AALI tertahan di highestnya 19500... kalau ini tembus bisa ke 21200... kalau gagal cukup banyak bantalannya 18600, 18250, 17700... yang lebih jauh lagi 16750... dan di weekly chart sinyal MACD dan Stoch Buy di OverBought area... layakkah untuk trading ?

Jangan dipercaya, periksa chart Anda !

Semoga bermanfaat.

Eco Syariah

Saturday, August 1, 2009

IHSG Weekly 31 Jul 2009 - Prediksi Close 07 Aug 2009

Transaksi Hanya Saham DES dan JII
Investasikan Dunia Mu Untuk Akherat Mu
Investasikan Hidup Mu Untuk Kematian Mu

Dengan menggunakan Fibo Extension Standard AmiBroker... minggu lalu prediksi mendekati kenyataan.
Minggu lalu prediksi closing IHSG 31 Juli 2009 adalah 2322.41, kenyataannya IHSG closing di 2323.24 selisih 0.83.

Dengan menggunakan tools yang sama, kita coba lagi prediksi closing minggu depan seperti terlihat pada chart berikut...

Semoga bermanfaat.

Eco Syariah

Hasil Test & Evaluasi Minggu 3 Explorer StoMACD MTF - 310709

Transaksi Hanya Saham DES dan JII
Investasikan Dunia Mu Untuk Akherat Mu
Investasikan Hidup Mu Untuk Kematian Mu

Semoga bermanfaat.

Eco Syariah

Undangan Gabung Milis/Group Saham_Syariah

Transaksi Hanya Saham DES dan JII
Investasikan Dunia Mu Untuk Akherat Mu
Investasikan Hidup Mu Untuk Kematian Mu



Selamat Malam,

Mengundang bapak/ibu/saudara/i bergabung ke milis Saham_Syariah.

Siapa saja yang sanggup bertanggung jawab secara moral, mampu menjaga sopan santun dalam pergaulan dunia maya ini dan ingin belajar, berdiskusi dan maju bersama... silahkan bergabung dengan kami.

Jika berminat... silahkan kirim email kosong ke alamat email ini:



Tentang Group

Jika Anda bukan sekedar mencari keuntungan dari trading/investing saham, jika Anda berupaya mencari rezeki yang halal sesuai syariah Islam... mudah-mudahan Anda tidak salah memilih group diskusi ini...

Group ini fokus dalam membahas saham-saham dan efek syariah yang dikeluarkan Dewan Syariah Nasional-Majelis Ulama Indonesia (DSN-MUI) dan BAPEPAM-LK berupa Daftar Efek Syariah (DES) dan saham-saham yang terdapat dalam daftar Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) yang diterbitkan oleh Bursa Efek Indonesia.

Siapa saja boleh bergabung.

Tim Pembentuk


Semoga bermanfaat.

Eco Syariah